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"G. Grubić"
Metalogenija Ljubijskog rudnog rejona (2023)
A. Grubić, R. Cvijić, A. Milošević, M. Čelebić, Metalogenija Ljubijskog rudnog rejona, Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske, 2023 -
The age of the ophiolite me'lange and turbidites in the North-Bosnian zone (2010)
A. Grubić, M. Ercegovac, R. Cvijić, A. Milošević, The age of the ophiolite me'lange and turbidites in the North-Bosnian zone, ACADEMIE SERBE DES SCIENCES ET DES ARTS, Vol. 46, pp. 41 - 56, 2010 -
The Upper Cretaceous ophiolite of North Kozara - remnants of North Kozara - remnants of an anomalous mid-ocean ridge segment of the Neotethys (2014-04)
V. Cvetković, K. Šarić- Resimić, A. Grubić, R. Cvijić, A. Milošević, The Upper Cretaceous ophiolite of North Kozara - remnants of North Kozara - remnants of an anomalous mid-ocean ridge segment of the Neotethys, GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 117 - 130, Apr, 2014 -
): Prisustvo i dostupnost Cu u zemljištu i kabastoj hrani za ovce (2002)
D. Dujić, R. Jovanović, G. Grubić, N. Đorđević, L. Željko, ): Prisustvo i dostupnost Cu u zemljištu i kabastoj hrani za ovce, Zbornik rezimea, 2002 -
Procijenjene količine neekoloških freona instalisane u rashladnim i klima uređajima u Bosni i Hercegovini (2016-11)
G. Tica, M. Kotur, A. Rogović-Grubić, Procijenjene količine neekoloških freona instalisane u rashladnim i klima uređajima u Bosni i Hercegovini, pp. 646 - 654, Nov, 2016 -
Proceedings - Mineral material complex of Serbia and Montenegro on the crossings of two milleniums (2003)
R. Cvijić, A. Grubić, R. Nenad, A. Milošević, Proceedings - Mineral material complex of Serbia and Montenegro on the crossings of two milleniums, Mineral raw material potential of Republika Srpska, pp. 257 - 271, 2003 -
Metallogeny of the Ljubija ore region (2021-12)
A. Grubić, A. Milošević, R. Cvijić, M. Čelebić, B. Vuković, Metallogeny of the Ljubija ore region, Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor, No. 3-4/2021, pp. 7 - 16, Dec, 2021 -
Control factors of iron mineralization in the metallogeny of the Ljubija ore region. (2022-06)
A. Milošević, A. Grubić, R. Cvijić, M. Čelebić, B. Vuković, Control factors of iron mineralization in the metallogeny of the Ljubija ore region., Technical Institute of Bijeljina, Archives for Technical Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 13 - 22, Jun, 2022 -
Organic matter in Ljubija siderite (2004)
M. Ercegovac, A. Grubić, S. Sredić, A. Milošević, Organic matter in Ljubija siderite, Radovi Geoinstituta, No. 39, pp. 53 - 57, 2004 -
Formation of construction stone on Mrakodol-Balj ophiolite zone on northwestern part of Kozara Mt (2013)
A. Milošević, A. Grubić, R. Cvijić, E. Salčin, Formation of construction stone on Mrakodol-Balj ophiolite zone on northwestern part of Kozara Mt, Geološki glasnik, Vol. 34, No. New edition 2, pp. 57 - 72, 2013 -
Bistrica argiloshist formation in the system of shistes lustres of Prosara Mt (2014)
A. Milošević, A. Grubić, R. Cvijić, E. Salčin, Bistrica argiloshist formation in the system of shistes lustres of Prosara Mt, Geološki glasnik, Vol. 34, No. New edition 2, pp. 73 - 88, 2014 -
Importance of olistostrome member for metallogeny of Ljubija iron ore deposits (2015-01)
A. Grubić, A. Milošević, R. Cvijić, M. Čelebić, Importance of olistostrome member for metallogeny of Ljubija iron ore deposits, АРХИВ ЗА ТЕХНИЧКЕ НАУКЕ, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1 - 8, Jan, 2015 -
Rude gvožđa u Ljubijskom regionu (2006-11)
A. Grubić, R. Cvijić, A. Milošević, Rude gvožđa u Ljubijskom regionu, Zbornik radova II savjetovanja geologa Bosne i Hercegovine, pp. 32 - 34, Nov, 2006 -
Method of making the metallogenetic map of Ljubija region (2015-10)
A. Milošević, A. Grubić, R. Cvijić, E. Salčin, M. Čelebić, Method of making the metallogenetic map of Ljubija region, I Kongres geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini, pp. 1 - 11, Oct, 2015 -
Annexes the knowledge of the metalogenia of the Ljubia mineral area (2017-10)
A. Milošević, A. Grubić, R. Cvijić, M. Čelebić, Annexes the knowledge of the metalogenia of the Ljubia mineral area, Book of Proceedings II, 7th Balkan Mining Congress, pp. 57 - 68, Oct, 2017 -
127-135 yers of systematic geological exploration of mineral region of Ljubija (2017-10)
R. Cvijić, A. Grubić, A. Milošević, 127-135 yers of systematic geological exploration of mineral region of Ljubija, Book of Proceedings II, 7th Balkan Mining Congress, pp. 1 - 11, Oct, 2017 -
Монографија - Рударство у привреди и развоју Републике Српске (2010)
Г. Александар, Р. Цвијић, А. Милошевић, Монографија - Рударство у привреди и развоју Републике Српске, Минерално сировински потенцијал Републике Српске, pp. 2 - 23, 2010 -
Геологија Козаре и Просаре (2018)
А. Грубић, А. Милошевић, Р. Цвијић, Геологија Козаре и Просаре, Академија наука и умјетности Републике Српске, 2018 -
An analysis of the use of HCFC – refrigerants in the industry and households in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A review of possible alternative replacements (2013)
Тица Г., Роговић-Грубић А., Котур М., Гверо П., An analysis of the use of HCFC – refrigerants in the industry and households in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A review of possible alternative replacements, 2013 -
Замјена радног средства HCFC-22 у старим расхладним системима у Босни и Херцеговини (2013)
Тица Г., Роговић-Грубић А., Котур М., Гверо П., Замјена радног средства HCFC-22 у старим расхладним системима у Босни и Херцеговини, 2013